Aug 15, 2023Liked by Sheluyang Peng

One day we will look back in horror and shake our heads as to how this could happen, how our institutions allowed this farce to go on for so long. But by then the damage will have already been done to tens of thousands. Sick world.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Too many humans with too much time one their hands and not enough sense.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Sheluyang Peng

Internetty transracialism is really not new. Three of my friends in middle school in 2008 said they were part Japanese despite being zero percent Asian. We didn’t have this “identifying” thing, so people who wanted to be something they weren’t would just, you know, lie.

Something that is new is the ability to view yourself through a filter that shows a living, breathing, altered version of that self. Whether that’s race-swapped, sex-swapped, or just with a different nose, I think we highly underestimate the effect of these real-time camera filters on body-image difficulties of all-kinds.

Seeing this living altered self makes these fantasies of a different self seem so real that they could almost be touched. It makes it seem like the fantasy is only several inches of hair and a few millimeters of bone from reality. It makes it seem like the fantasy is *already* real, just cruelly locked away behind glass. It renders eminently plausible the lie that a few pills and procedures can make woman into man or vice versa.

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The internet has heavily blurred the line between reality and fiction. Especially due to the use of player avatars in games, which can be anyone they want.

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Great piece. Brutal honesty but needs to be said.

When was it ever "kind" to affirm and acquiesce to insanity?

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I hope that someone is researching the parents, and especially the mothers of these girls. I suspect they will find a trend.

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These observations from the article are on point: "The following factors play a role in this. 1) psychologically unwell Parents may also be more likely to project their own psychological needs onto their kids; 2) A dominant strain of modern feminism instills negative attitudes towards masculinity, leading many feminist mothers (and fathers) to feel uncomfortable when their sons exhibit stereotypically masculine traits and behaviors."

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"The adolescents were overwhelmingly girls, or were transgender or nonbinary — though no one knows why."

As someone with a passing understanding of psychology and evolution, please believe me when I say "LOL".

The reasons women, especially young girls are the main people affected here is not a mystery or some kind of aberration. This is another example of professionals, probably the researchers, clinicians, and the author of the original article, being ignorant of facts for the sake of orthodoxies.

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Excellent. Thank you

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That's a very good analysis - I usually don't dive that deeply into what the woke are doing or saying because it's just depressing. Most of the left isn't going to notice what you just did, though, because they'd rather not, and if they do, they can explain it by appealing to subtle nuances that maybe, sort of, possibly, *could* matter, at least to them (just not to anyone else).

But yes, long story short the Woke are absolutely dragging the left off of a cliff, and I wish they wouldn't: https://thingstoread.substack.com/p/ohio-police-fatally-shoot-pregnant

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023

Sheluyang Peng wrote jokingly of "melanin transfers."

Seriously though, melanin can be stimulated by taking methoxsalen and spending hours under an ultra-violet (UV) lamp. That's what John Howard Griffin did in 1959, darkening his skin before traveling across the Deep South to write "Black Like Me." Methoxsalen + UV is a treatment for vitiligo.

As a potentially elective procedure to darken skin, I'm surprised it hasn't become a trend.

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If transracialism ever becomes affirmed, then UV will be used to darken skin.

What about the other way around though? Like people that want to lighten their skin? Anything they could use?

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Aug 20, 2023·edited Aug 20, 2023

Short answer: No, not really.

Longer answer, based on my layman knowledge:

Strōma Medical offers a laser treatment that strips the melanin from the iris. The treatment changes eye color from brown to blue.

In contrast, bimatoprost, brand name Latisse, is a topical liquid that stimulates the growth of eye lashes. It requires a prescription. One of the potential side effects is iris hyperpigmentation, which causes blue/green eyes to become brown, or brown eyes to become darker.

There’s a whole industry of skin-lightening products, but they have limited efficacy plus safety issues. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/25/world/as-equals-skin-whitening-global-market-explainer-intl-cmd/index.html

Hydroquinone is probably the most common skin lightening ingredient. I once tried an over-the-counter hydroquinone cream to lighten a spot of dark skin from sun damage (the spot is like a permanent, larger-than-average freckle). The hydroquinone didn’t make a noticeable difference. The cream I used probably wasn’t very strong, though after 2020 it would have warranted a prescription.

Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone (monobenzone, or Benoquin) is a treatment for vitiligo patients to lighten the dark portions of their skin. It is topically applied to the skin. Michael Jackson used this treatment. People say he changed from Black to white, but he also must have used a lot of make-up. His lips were tattooed pink. His autopsy revealed that he still had dark patches of skin despite applying some pretty high concentrations of hydroquinone and monobenzone.

I’ve read that there are skin lightening products containing mercury from some developing countries.


There are other treatments that target small areas of hyperpigmentation (freckles, some birth marks, age spots) but I’m not going try to list them. Some work like a targeted bur.n of the treatment area. They’re not really applicable to someone trying to change their overall, basic skin tone.

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Using UV light to darken skin has a pretty long history, whether in a tanning bed or on the beach...Globally the balance of cosmetic interest seems to be in lightening. but I wonder if that's just because it's *not* the direction free sunlight takes you.

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The thing about Dr Gilbert. How does one reconcile themselves with that big of a mistake against their own child? This whole thing is such a catastrophe.

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He can't. He'll have to live in a state of denial forever, for his own sanity.

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I plan to identify as a Royal Bengal Tiger.

That'll teach the local dogs a lesson!

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Well, a tiger is just a big cat, so still a cat.

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True, but one kind of cat scares the dogs a lot more than the other. Even a pit bull will only mess with a tiger once.

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